Μαζί σας από το 1989

Crazy Lupulo beer 0.33 lt IPA


Intense rich foam, wonderful ring in the glass with lace forming on its walls. Dark and brown highlights blend harmoniously in the mouth with the flavors and aromas of fresh sourdough bread and rye in a finish of bitter aromatic tannins that fill the palate with intensity. Long aftertaste with a delicious and aromatic palette that only great masters know how to make. Unsterilized by re-fermentation in the flask.




When sarcasm, playfulness, anti-conformity, truth and kindness became a way of life, then the locomotive of our adventure began. The aim was to create a special, original and unique range of beers in order to “surprise” both in Greece and in the rest of the world.


“Art & Philosophy” at all levels of our work, artisanal brewing techniques, the “escaped” visuals and concepts for each type of beer separately and of course the strict selection of materials, played a catalytic role in the result we wanted to have.

After a series of “fermentations”, research, analysis and brainstorming, we are pleased to present you a range of 4 new beers with unique and original recipes. All this imprinted in 4 separate small beautiful stories that we just wrote the prologue and you will complete by enjoying them.

NOBLE MEN is here and our first contact with the ubiquitous Noble Men (… and Women) with our new creations – the Noble Men beers – is now a reality.

Avanti maestro